Personal protective equipment is anything used by the health professional to minimise the risk of exposure to infectious agents. Alternatively the patient with low immunity needs to be protected against external transmission of infection. Specialised clothing (gown) and equipment (gloves, mask, goggles) provide a barrier between potentially infectious agents contained in body fluids, airborne droplets or spray contamination of the eyes and the person.
Category Archives: Infection Control
Hand Disinfection
Hand hygiene is fundamental to patient safety. All health practitioners are expected to practice careful hand hygiene before and after touching a patient, before and after a procedure and after touching a patient’s surroundings.
Wound Care using Aseptic Technique
Effective wound management relies on thorough assessment and management of the wound including identification of stages of healing, assessment of the patient/client’s general condition, selection of appropriate wound dressings and protection against introduction of organisms from a secondary environment. The technique for wound care described here is based on the principles of the wound field concept.