How to Use


  1. Curriculum support – inclusion in course outlines as required or optional viewing materials.
  2. Flipped classroom support – inclusion in course teaching and learning activities as required viewing materials prior to class.
  3. Lecture support – lecturers can use the videos as part of their lecture delivery.
  4. Tutorial preparation support – students can use the videos as part of their preparation for tutorials.
  5. Tutorial support – tutors can use the videos as part of their preparation and delivery of tutorials (teaching team consistency and coherence).
  6. Tutorial support – students can use the videos as part of their tutorial activities.
  7. Peer teaching – students can use the videos to teach each other the correct way to perform a certain clinical skill.
  8. Peer teaching – students can use videos as a medium for conversations that explore more complex issues (i.e. combination of skills).
  9. Lab/tutorial support – vehicle for orientation and self-directed learning.
  10. Assessment support – students can use the videos to prepare for selected assessments.
  11. Assessment support – students can be asked to prepare third person view recordings of clinical skills as part of their assessment and using the POV videos as priming materials.
  12. Self-reflection – students can video themselves and compare with the existing POV video.
  13. Independent study – student can use the videos after they have completed their program.
  14. Use videos to inform patients and to engage them in more informed decision making.

Additional suggestions are welcome. Please contact us to share your experiences and additional suggestions.