Category Archives: Reference Group

Reference Group

Our Reference Group is the nucleus of our project as its members pedagogically guide the project and, through their networks, engage with educators to determine the skills required for resource production and possible trial sites. The group undertook critical analysis of the relevant psychomotor skills and best practice for the skills. From this input, the team leaders made the final selection of the skills best learned from a first person point of view.

The Reference Group is critical to the effectiveness and relevance of our project and is integral to the acceptance and ultimate widespread use of the resources that the project developed.

Our Reference Group is the nucleus of our project as its members pedagogically guide the project and, through their networks, engage with educators to determine the skills required for resource production and possible trial sites. The group undertook critical analysis of the relevant psychomotor skills and best practice for the skills. From this input, the team leaders made the final selection of the skills best learned from a first person point of view.

The Reference Group is critical to the effectiveness and relevance of our project and is integral to the acceptance and ultimate widespread use of the resources that the project developed.

Tony Hucker

Institution: Queensland Ambulance Service/University of the Sunshine Coast

Current position: Executive Manager/Clinical Education Adjunct Associate Professor
