Auscultation of the chest via a stethoscope has been an integral part of respiratory examination for the last 200 years.
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Bill Lord
Institution: University of the Sunshine Coast
Project role: Project Leader; Bill leads the project, oversees the pedagogy, educational technology, and guides the implementation of feedback from the formative evaluation. He mentors project team members and supervises the Project Officer when working on research related activities, chairs the meetings, and leads the research. He coordinates the non-nursing/midwifery component of the project, liaises with stakeholder groups.
Qualifications: PhD Monash University, MEd Technol.Syd., GDipCBL, BHlthSc(PreHospCare) C.Sturt
Time commitment to the project: 0.1 FTE
Current Position: Associate Professor, Paramedic Sciences
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Respiratory Rate Measurement
Respiratory rate is an important predictor of serious adverse events and as such careful monitoring of rate rhythm and ease of breathing is essential. Respirations are measured in such a way as to not draw the patient’s attention to the procedure.
Dr Helen Forbes
Institution: Deakin University
Project role: Project Co-leader; Helen coordinates the nursing and midwifery component of the project, and liaises with relevant stakeholder groups to determine the nature
and use of video resources to be embedded in nursing curricula and programs.
Qualifications: RN, BAppSc(Adv.Nsg) LaTrobe University,
MedStudies Monash University, PhD University of Sydney
Time commitment to project: 0.2 FTE
Current position: Associate Head of School (Teaching and Learning)
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Dr Florin Oprescu
Institution: University of the Sunshine Coast
Project role: Project Co-leader; Florin co-leads the project and evaluates the use of project outputs across a range of platforms and contexts with a specific focus on their use for blended learning and assessment in paramedic education.
Qualifications: PhD Iowa City, MPH Iowa City, MBA Iowa City, MD Cluj, GradCertProfLearn Sunshine Coast
Time commitment to the project: 0.2 FTE
Current position: Lecturer in Health Promotion
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Taking a Tympanic Temperature
Measurement of body temperature is commonly measured through use of a tympanic thermometer. Tympanic thermometers are commonly available in clinical settings and must be used according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Nigel Barr
Institution: University of the Sunshine Coast
Project role: Project team member; Nigel takes the lead in identifying, filming and resource development of the required skills by paramedics.
Qualifications: BN Ballarat, GDAdvClinical Nursing (ICU) Melb, DipHealth Science (Ambulance Officer) Ambulance Officer Training Centre Victoria, AdvDip MICA Paramedic Studies Monash, GC Professional Learning Sunshine Coast
Time commitment to the project: 0.2 FTE
Current position: Program Leader and Lecturer, (Clinical) Paramedic Science
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Terri Downer
Institution: University of the Sunshine Coast
Project role: Project team member; Terri has been involved in the project since its inception and takes the lead in identifying, filming and resource development of the required skills by nurses and midwives in collaboration with Lauren McTier, Nikki Phillips and Peter Bright from Deakin University.
Qualifications: MAdvNur Griff., GCClinicalEd James Cook
Time commitment to the project: 0.1 FTE
Current position: Program Leader Bachelor of Nursing Science/Bachelor of Midwifery
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A/Prof Nicole (Nikki) Phillips
Institution: Deakin University
Project role: Project team member; Nikki ‘s role involves identifying areas for resource production and advising on their development and use in blended learning models of curricula, particularly in relation to their appropriateness to students at different year levels of the nursing and midwifery programs. Nikki coordinates, together with Terri Downer, the production of teaching and learning resources and support materials for nursing and midwifery.
Qualifications: RN, DipAppSc(Nsg), BN, GDipAdvNsg(Educ), MNS, PhD
Time commitment to the project: 0.1 FTE
Current position: Director of Undergraduate Studies, School of Nursing and Midwifery Course Director, Bachelor of nursing suite of courses
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Dr Lauren McTier
Institution: Deakin University
Project role: Project team member; Lauren is involved in identifying, filming and resource development in the skills required for nurses and midwives, works with Peter Bright in video production and in conjunction with Terri Downer on development and evaluation of support materials for nurses and midwives. Her particular focus will be ensuring relevance to contemporary and evidence-based clinical practice.
Qualifications: RN, BN (Hons), Grad Dip Adv Nur (Crit Care), Grad Dip Ed, Grad Cert App Sci (Stats), PhD
Time commitment to the project: 0.2 FTE
Current position: Senior Lecturer and Director of Clinical Studies, School of Nursing and Midwifery
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Peter Bright
Institution: Deakin University
Project role: Project team member; He is responsible for coordinating the development of online curriculum, advising on the most effective use of online technologies and providing professional development for staff in online teaching and learning. He has expertise in high-end video equipment and has worked in video production in the corporate sector.
Qualifications: Bachelor of Science (Information System and Computer Science)
Time commitment to the project: 0.1 FTE
Current position: Online Curriculum Coordinator for the School of Medicine
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Vilma Simbag
Institution: University of the Sunshine Coast
Project role: Project Manager; Vilma ensures the project remains within scope, time and budget and the smooth operational running of the project, and to perform tasks such as tracking and adjusting the project schedule, clarifying roles and responsibilities, and budget reporting.
Qualifications: MSc Horticulture, MEducation
Time commitment to the project: 0.4 FTE
Kristel Alla
Institution: University of the Sunshine Coast
Project role: Project Officer; Kristel is responsible for general administration, example report copy-editing, face-to-face and virtual meeting administration, as well as preparing the data for analysis, data entry, preliminary analysis, conducting resource and literature searches; conducting functional testing of the website, and assisting in the development of the resources.
Qualifications: BPolSc (Hons) Tartu, BLang(Scan) (Hons) Tartu
Time commitment to the project: 0.4 FTE
Current position: Master of Health Promotion student